October 2023 to ???
- You could be here. The Red Queen will get your project off the ground, too.
March 2023 to September 2023:
- Worked for 2lambda
- Silicon Valley start-up trying to beat the stock-market with fancy ML-Models
- That work kickstarted my employment at Red Queen UG where i continue doing consulting work for 2lambda while also moving into a more senior role of also building up our own team of specialists to work on different future projects.
Oct. 2018 to Aug. 2021:
- ML-Specialist at Jobware (Paderborn; german Job-Advertising-Platform)
2013-2018 several jobs at my University including
- Worked 6 Months in the Workgroup “Theoretical Computer Science” on migrating algorithms to CUDA
Tutor “Introduction to Machine Learning”
- Was awarded Tutoring-Award of the Faculty of Technology for excellent tutoring
- Lecture "Intermediate Functional Programming in Haskell"
- Development of Pandoc-Filters for effective generation of lecture-slides for Mario Botsch (Leader Workgroup Computer Graphics) using Pandoc & reveal.js
- Bachelor “Kognitive Informatik” (Cognitive Informatics) in Bielefeld 2010-2014
- Master “Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik” (Informatics in the natural sciences) 2014-2018
Extraordinary grades (Excerpt of my Transcript)
Note: Scale of grades in Germany is 1.0 to 4.0 with 1.0 being best, 4.0 being passing grade, 5.0 being failed grade
1.0 in Modern Data Analysis
- Master course on data-analysis (time-series, core-vector-machines, gaussian processes, …)
1.0 in Computergraphics
- Raytracing, Modern OpenGL
1.3 in Computer-Animation
- Dual-Quarternion-Skinning, Character-Animation, FACS-Poses, etc.
1.3 in GPU-Computing (CUDA)
- originally a 1.7 by timing (task was de-mosaicing on images, grade was measured in ms, whereby 400ms equated to 4.0 and 100ms equated to 1.0), but because my deep knowledge was visible in the code i was given a 1.3 after oral presentation.
- 1.0 in Parallel Algorithms and Data-Structures
Ethical Hacking
- Reverse Engineering with IDApro